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Epidemiological Research

The Epidemiological Research Graduate Certificate advances post-baccalaureate students’, graduate students’, and working health professionals’ knowledge of epidemiologic methods. You will gain experience in developing a robust research study design and conducting higher-level statistical analyses (qualitative and quantitative).

Curricular RequirementsApply

Curricular requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Epidemiological Research can be found in the Graduate Catalog.

This Graduate Certificate may be taken independently or as part of the MPH degree.  

Admission Requirements
The Epidemiological Research Graduate Certificate program does not require any undergraduate preparatory course work, and there are no required prerequisites.

Current OU students must have an overall undergraduate or graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher and submit a personal statement. Non-OU students must have epan overall undergraduate or graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher and submit a personal statement, official transcripts indicating a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited undergraduate institution, and two recommendation forms.

Detailed information regarding admission can be found in the Graduate Catalog (see Curricular Requirements).

Admission Terms and Application Deadlines
The program admits students on a rolling admissions basis, allowing application submissions throughout the year.

Before an applicant’s file can be reviewed for full program admission, all application documents must be received. Incomplete applications will not be sent to departments for admission review.

Florence Hoffert-Dallo, Ph.D., MPH
Director and Professor
Public Health

Dean's Office
3110 Human Health Building
(248) 370-3562